Mobile Numbers

With a Virtual Mobile Number you are given a number that can be used as a DID or inbound number. Our inbound numbers connect your services to the outside world. Choose your numbers from one of our ranges and all the messages sent from your users will be delivered to you.

A Virtual Mobile Number is the ideal solution for businesses with local representation needs, but not have the availability of a local address.

Our Mobile numbers are all Voice enabled. A selection of our Mobile portfolio is also enabled for SMS. When applicable, a Virtual Mobile Number is the ideal solution for SMS-driven interactive applications, services and advertising promotions.

"We are excited to work closely with Telserv which is uniquely positioned in the growing numbering market, offering a very complete and very efficient cloud numbering platform with full API capabilities. They have a very high standard of quality and customer service, same as ours. We also share the same fast and nimble approach that our customers requires.""
Edwin van Ierland, Global Sales Officer - iBasis, a Tofane Company

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